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Nastavlja Sé

Nastavlja Sé

Nastavlja Sé

When I wrote this song, I was inspired by a colleague that came from Bosnia.

A really warm and good hearted guy! Even though I bombarded him with questions about everything from Bosnian vocabulary, to war stories, and of course music from his home country.

The song was originally called “the war continues” in Bosnian. But eventually I changed the name to just “ it continues”.

While I was working on the song, the perspective changed from the war theme (which after all, I had no backround or business writing about) towards general reflection on what drives us to take action, in both good and bad ways. The thin lines between love and hate, despair and anger.

Apart from basic needs, I think most things spawns from desire, acceptance and love, or the lack of it.

And whatever happens, the mind continues relentlessly with it’s processing. Sometimes it seems that we don’t have control over our own thinking. None of us. So let’s just try to enjoy the ride.

With me on the session:

Geir Arne Ose: Drums

Photo: Boaz Aharonovitch