"Haunted" is a live song, and has been played regularly with my "Ninth" lineup for years. 
It is a song that usually evolves and changes during tours, and "energize" the band. 
Composing and playing is two different things. I must admit that my preferences for (doing) live performances, leans towards the "energetic" kind, (if I were to choose only one aspect). That is what comes most natural to me. This is not always a good thing (for me) though, as I often tend to play more aggressively at live shows than some people probably would like me to, (or know me for). But that's my "main high" as live performer,  Other crucial aspects for me is contrasts in music, lots of light and shade and natural improvisation.  

Anyway, if the audience “gets” everything at one of my shows, I kinda failed. 

With me on this session:
Bjørn Tore Kronen Taranger: Drums


